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Pop Up wo0


Is a series of studio days where you can experience a 1 hour photo shoot with me in a private and comfortable professional studio setting.


Since launching my full day and half day photo shoots, I have been inundated with enquiries from people who want a shoot but either don’t have time, don’t want to be in front of the camera for a long time, or need to save up to pay for it.


I wanted to find a way for my shoots to be accessible to everyone and here we are!


As always with the Queen of Angles you’ll have a fun, edgy, and different photoshoot where you get to express yourself and POP. 


My first pop up wo0 is in London on Tuesday 12th September and will be popping up all round the country every few months after that.


So if you want  photos and are struggling with time, confidence or cash then DM me :)




Hey  I’m wo0, a photographer with ADHD making images that aren’t boring 


For fun stuff, challenges, competitions and free networking sign up to my newsletter via my profile Wendy Gannon 


Go onto my profile and don’t just ring my bell - ding a ling my bell 

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